Keresés: %s
Keresés: %s
Verification of Hungarian citizenship
Should you wish to submit a citizenship application at the consular office of the Embassy of Hungary in London, please contact the consular office via email at before booking an appointment.
In the subject of the email, please specify which application you intend to submit (verification of citizenship, application for citizenship certificate, reacquisition of citizenship by declaration, renunciation of citizenship).
In our response, we will send you all the necessary information along with the forms to be filled out so that you can come prepared for your appointment. Otherwise we reserve the right to refuse and reschedule those who come with an incomplete application or without an appointment.
Please note that citizenship applications can only be submitted by having a previously booked appointment. Instructions regarding appointment booking will be also sent via email.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Registration of birth
Registration of A BIRTH in Hungary
The Hungarian citizens should register the birth of their children. The application may be lodged at the registrar offices in Hungary - as a general rule.
The registration of a child’s birth outside Hungary can be registered with the Hungarian authorities also by application through the Embassy’s Consular Section. At the same time, an application for a passport can also be submitted (see note on Hungarian Passport). The procedure takes on average 2-4 months (without the passport procedure) but please note that the procedures could be longer!
Please do not buy any ticket or do not plan anything (where you need the Hungarian birth certificate) before the end of the procedure as the Consulate cannot guarantee the length of the procedure. If you ignore this warning, you are responsible for the possible damage.
Appointments shall be booked for every consular affair.
You can ask an appointment directly through our online booking system. For further information on how to book an appointment, please click here!
Please note that both parents should appear in person when you lodge your application! If the difference between the date of birth and the end of the former marriage of the mother is less than 300 days, the former husband will be registered as father. In this case the mother has right to apply to the court to change the name of the father after the first registration.
The required documents to be submitted with the application are as follows:
1. The original birth certificate (i.e. full birth certificate, showing data for parents as well) This is required in ALL cases.
There is no need for translation:
- if the birth certificate is issued in English, German or French language (except if it is handwritten and/or contains a comment).
If the birth certificate has been issued in different language a legalised translation should be presented. The translation could be prepared by the Hungarian Gazette Publishing Legal Translation Centre Ltd. (MKIFK) (previously known as Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd (OFFI)) –, which does not need to be further legalised OR the translation should be legalised by the responsible Hungarian Consulate.
2. Parents’ marriage certificate (photocopy) OR Statutory declaration of acknowledgement of parentage
If the parents’ marriage has not yet been registered in Hungary, it has to be undertaken together with the registration of the child’s birth. (See note on Registration of marriage concluded abroad)
In case the parents have not concluded a marriage or did so only after the birth of the child, a statutory declaration of acknowledgement of parentage has to be made in person at the Consular Section.
3. Application form - Completed and signed by both parents
Please fully complete the application form in Hungarian with blue ink and block capital letters and according to the conventions of the Hungarian language (name: surname followed by given name; date:, etc.). Please bring the completed form with you to the booked appointment but do not sign it.
4. Proof of parents’ nationality
ID Card or Passport. The parents should present valid, original docuents. The copy is not accepted!
Please note that from the non-EEA or Swiss nationals valid passport is required!!!
5. Request for registration in the Hungarian Registry of Personal Data and Address
a.) If the Hungarian parent has already officially informed the Hungarian authorities that he/she lives abroad or the Hungarian parent never lived in Hungary the child should be registered as a Hungarian citizen living abroad. In this case you should fill in the form “Kérelem külföldön élő magyar állampolgárként történő nyilvántartásba vételhez”. The form can be downloaded from the bottom of this page – “Form for registration as a Hungarian citizen living abroad”
For the application the copy of the Hungarian address card which includes „Külföldi cím” should be presented as well.
b.) If the Hungarian parent has address card which includes a Hungarian address the child should be registered as a Hungarian citizen living in Hungary. In this case you should fill in the form “Kérelem Magyarországon élő magyar állampolgárként történő nyilvántartásba vételhez”. The form can be downloaded from the bottom of this page – “Form for registration as a Hungarian citizen living in Hungary”
For the application the copy of the Hungarian address card or a copy of the title deed or copy of the tenancy agreement should be presented as well.
6. Consular fee:
The registration of birth is free of charge.
If there is need for the voluntary acknowledgement of paternity an additional fee is payable as it is written on the website at the “Consular fees”.
Please do not forget to provide a phone number and an e-mail address on the application form.
Applications linked to closely related cases (e.g. registration of a marriage or application for Hungarian nationality) can be dealt with at the same time.
Should you need further information, please contact us by e-mail at
As our phone lines are very busy please send us e-mail.
APPLICATION FORM for registration of birth
English translation of the application form (guideline only)
Form for registration as a Hungarian citizen living abroad
Form for registration as a Hungarian citizen living in Hungary
Form for an address card
Voluntary acknowledgement of paternity
I. What is a declaration of paternity? When is it needed?
In Hungary, as a general rule, the registrar registers as the father the man who, based on the Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (hereinafter: Civil Code) should be considered the child's father.
The Civil Code (§ 4:98-114) outlines the criteria for considering someone as the child's father, which is based on presumptions in contrast to the mother's position, which is clearly fulfilled by the fact of birth. Paternity may be based on presumptions in the following strict order:
1. the existing marriage of the mother,
2. in the absence of an existing marriage, the mother's terminated marriage if the marriage was terminated within 300 days from the date of the child's birth through divorce proceedings or with the death of the husband,
3. in the case of civil partners assisted reproduction treatment,
4. declaration of acknowledgment of paternity,
5. judicial determination of paternity.
A formal declaration of paternity can be made if:
1. the mother's marital status is single/unmarried or the parents married after the birth of the child,
2. the mother's marital status is divorced/widowed and at least 300 days have passed between the final dissolution of her marriage or the death of her spouse and the birth of the child,
3. the child was not conceived through assisted reproduction treatment (e.g., IVF) in which the parents participated as partners/civil partners,
4. there is no paternity suit underway regarding the child and
5. the father is at least 16 years older than the child.
If there is no presumption of paternity on the basis of which it is clear who is the father of the child, the family legal status of the child must be settled by a declaration of acknowledgement of paternity before or at the same time as the Hungarian registration of the child's birth if the above legal conditions are met. If the child was born in the United Kingdom, a special rule different from the above applies, which is referred to in paragraph (II).
When can you NOT make a formal declaration of paternity?
Based on the relevant Hungarian legal provisions, it must be checked whether the child's so-called family legal status is settled that is, whether the father's legal status is fulfilled. If, according to the legislation, a person other than the (biological) father must be considered the child's (legal) father, a full paternity declaration cannot be made until the presumption of paternity is overruled. The presumption of paternity can be overruled in court in Hungary, thus the paternity status becomes vacant, after which the biological father can make a declaration acknowledging paternity in full force. To rebut the presumption of paternity, the child must first be registered in the name of the legal father. Only after the paternity presumption and the declaration of the biological father the child may be registered in the name of the biological father.
In such cases our consular office can only proceed with the registration in the name of the child's legal father. We cannot assist with: the recording of the voluntary acknowledgement of paternity; the registration of the child for the name of the biological father; court cases preparation for overruling paternity presumption.
As further practical guidance we would like to point out that in such cases we can only issue an emergency passport to the child for a return journey to Hungary in order to facilitate administration in Hungary (rebutting the presumption of paternity, domestic registration of birth in Hungary, applying for a passport in Hungary).
How to apply
It is only possible to submit the application in person based on a prior appointment. If you are unsure whether a paternity declaration must/can be made in your case, please contact us at the email address:
Appointments shall be booked directly through our online booking system. For appointment, please select "Acknowledgement of paternity + birth registration” or “Acknowledgement of paternity + registration of birth + passport for minors (under 18 age) + Maternity allowance/FÉTÁM”.
You can read more about the registration of a birth abroad in Hungary in the Hungarian birth registration section of our website.
The father can make a formal declaration of paternity for an unborn child as well. This includes a separate form at the bottom of the page.
- the personal presence of both parents;
- presentation of a valid identification document of the parents that also proves citizenship (always a passport in the case of foreign citizens);
- the child's original birth certificate - if it is not in Hungarian or English, then with an official translation;
- payment of the processing fee (please check Consular fees);
- if the mother is divorced the Hungarian marriage certificate must be presented, which contains the fact of the divorce or the final judgment of the Hungarian court on the pronouncement of the divorce;
- if the mother is widowed the death certificate of the deceased spouse must be presented;
- if the father or the mother is a minor (under 18), both parents/legal representatives of the minor parent must also be present.
Form to be downloaded:
to aknowledge a child to be born
to acknowledge a child already born
II. Procedure for a declaration of paternity if your child was born in the UK
If the parents are not married or married after the birth of the child and the child was born in the United Kingdom and the identity of the parents were announced jointly and in unison by the parents at the registry office (the names of both parents are listed in the so-called “Informant” column of the birth certificate issued in the United Kingdom /Certified copy of an entry/) and otherwise all the legal conditions for making a paternity declaration are met, the person listed in the birth certificate issued by the UK authority can be registered as a father without making a full acknowledgement of paternity declaration. (In other words, there is no need to book a separate appointment to make the declaration of paternity because the declaration will be based on the British birth certificate.)
In this case please fill out the declaration at the bottom of the page and bring it with you to the consulare office. The declaration shall be signed during the administration in front of the employee of the consular office.
However, this rule does not apply to cases where the father or the mother is a minor (under 18) or if the child has already reached the age of 14.
Form to be downloaded:
Registration of marriage
Registration of marriage concluded abroad
Hungarian citizens should register their marriages concluded abroad. The application can be lodged at the register offices in Hungary, as a general rule. Application can also be lodged at the Consulate. In this case the procedure may take up to 3 months or even more.
If you would like to register your marriage in Hungary through the Consulate you should book an appointment. Appointments can be booked directly through our Appointment Booking System. For further information please visit the following link on the website: "Useful Consular informations" --> "Working hours, appointment”.
Please note that both parties/applicants should appear in person for the appointment!
Required documents:
1. Original marriage certificate (this is required in ALL cases)
If the marriage was concluded in a country other than the UK you might need to get an Apostille or diplomatic legalisation from the country of marriage. For further information please contact us (via email) or the Hungarian Embassy accredited to the country of marriage.
There is no need for translation:
- if the marriage certificate is issued in English, German or French (except if it is handwritten and/or contains a comment)
If the marriage certificate is issued in other languages a legalised translation should be enclosed. The translation can be prepared by the Hungarian Gazette Publishing Legal Translation Centre Ltd. (MKIFK) (previously known as Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd (OFFI)) -, or the translation can be legalised by the competent Hungarian Consulate.
2. Copy of birth certificate of the Hungarian party
3. Completed and signed application form.
Please fill in the application form in Hungarian with block capital letters in accordance with the rules of the Hungarian language. The application form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
4. Proof of marital status of the Hungarian national prior to the marriage
If you were divorced before getting married again: final court decision about the divorce (with Hungarian translation). If the marriage was dissolved within the EU between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2020 please submit the certificate issued by the court in accordance with Brussels II regulation (Certificate referred to in Article 39 of Council Regulation 8EC) No. 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning judgments in matrimonial matters – form D180 can be downloaded from: ). This certificate does not need to be translated in Hungarian.
If you were widow(er) before getting married again: death certificate of the deceased spouse.
5. Proof of Hungarian nationality
Valid passport, valid identity card or certificate of nationality wich has been issued within the past 3 years.
6. Proof of nationality in respect of the non-Hungarian party
Valid passport.
7. Certificate of marital status of the non-Hungarian party prior to the marriage
The non-Hungarian party has to present an official certificate on his/her previous family status (prior to the marriage). This document should be translated to Hungarian by the Hungarian Gazette Publishing Legal Translation Centre Ltd. (MKIFK) (previously known as Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd (OFFI)) - - or the translation can be legalised by the competent Hungarian Consulate. (ie. Hungarian Consulate accredited to the country of origin of the non-Hungarian party). Apostille or diplomatic legalisation from the country of origin might also be necessary.
EU citizens are not required to present such a certificate.
8. Request for registration in the Registry of Personal Data and Address
The Hungarian national has to fill in point IV. of the application form in the following cases:
• if the Hungarian pnational does not have a valid Hungarian ID card AND
• he/she does not have a Hungarian address card with the remark “Külföldön élő magyar állampolgár” AND
- he/she has never lived in Hungary.
9. Consular fee:
For information about the fees please visit the following link on our website: “Consular fees”.
Application form for registration of marriage
Application form in English - guideline / translation aid only!
Form for registration as a Hungarian citizen living in Hungary
Form for registration as a Hungarian citizen living abroad
Application for a new address card1
Application for a new address card2
Application form for registration of divorce
Registration of death
Necessary documents:
• presenting the original death certificate (Legalised copy will be made by the consulate.);
• Filled in application form (it can be downloaded here: APPLICATION FORM for registration of death);
• A legalised translation of the death certificate, except when the death certificate was issued in English, French or German;
• presenting the Hungarian birth certificate of the deceased;
• Verification of Hungarian citizenship of the deceased (Hungarian passport, ID card, citizenship certificate, naturalization document);
• Valid identification document of the client;
• An addressed A4 envelope with a "special delivery" stamp is recommended.
The Hungarian passport, ID card, address card and driving licence of the deceased need to be invalidated by the relevant Hungarian authority. Collection point is at the consulate. The passport and the ID card can be returned after the process.
If the birth, marriage or divorce of the deceased has not been registered yet in the Hungarian registry, then these must be registered as well.
Registration applications are by appointment only. To book an appointment please CLICK HERE
For information on repatriation of human remains, please CLICK HERE
Registration of divorce
Registration of divorce
NOTE! If the marriage was solemnised and terminated abroad and the marriage had not been registered in Hungary yet, the two applications (registration of marriage and divorce) should be submitted together. One appointment (for registration of marriage/divorce) is sufficient for submitting both applications.For general information about registration procedure please visit the following link on our website: “Registration of marriage”. To book an appointment please click here.
Necessary documents:
- original Hungarian marriage certificate;
- final court order on the divorce (aka. Absolute decree);
- Hungarian translation of the court order (in case the court order was issued by a country other than the UK please contact us by e-mail or by phone before submitting your application);
- copy of the birth certificate of the Hungarian national;
- filled in and signed application form that can be downloaded at the bottom of this page;
- proof of Hungarian nationality of the Hungarian nationals;
- proof of ID and nationality for non-Hungarians;
- Brussel II certificate (if the marriage was dissolved within the EU between 1 May 2004 and 31 December 2020);
- Consular fee (for information about the fees please visit the following link on our website: “Consular fees”).
Hungarian translation of the court order:
Translation might be done with the assistance of the translators listed on our website („Honorary Consuls, translators, Notaries Public”) or should be done by the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation LTD in Hungary (
The Consulate does not prepare translations!
If the original document is not in English only translations made by the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation LTD or translations verified by the competent Hungarian Embassies are acceptable.
Brussel II certificate is referred to in Article 39 of Council Regulation 8 EC No. 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning judgments in matrimonial matters - D180 form can be downloaded from: .
- Translation of this form to Hungarian is not necessary.
Form for registration of divorce
Form for change of married name
Legalisation of signatures, translations and copies of documents
You can apply for legalisation at the Consulate, Honorary Consuls or Notaries Public. Please note that the possibilities for legalisation by Honorary Consuls and by Notaries Public are limited.
I., Legalisation at the Consulate
1., Appointment:
Appointments can be booked directly through our Appointment Booking System: https://konzinfobooking,;
For further information please go to: ”Useful consular information”. For information about the fees please visit the following link: “Consular fees”.
If you need more than one document legalised, please amend the number of applicants accordingly.
2., Legalisation of signatures
There are two ways to have your signature legalised by the Consular Section of the Embassy of Hungary in London:
• you sign the document in the presence of the consul; or
• you recognise the signature on the document as yours in the presence of the consul.
Legalisation of a signature means that the consul checks the identity of the signatory person but does not take responsibility for the content of the document. The document should be prepared by the applicant in advance. The Consulate is not entitled to draw up the document. Should you need more copies of the legalised document, same day service cannot be guaranteed. In some cases, the legalised documents are returned via post within 10 calendar days. Information on the expected timeline can be provided at the time of the application. In order to avoid any inconvenience you are kindly requested to inform the consulate in advance on the number of the documents to be signed (
The applicant should appear in person at the Consulate and should present his/her valid passport, ID card or driving licence. Please note that your application will be rejected if you fail to present one of these documents.
For information about the fees please visit the following link:“Consular fees”. (Fees vary on the basis of the number of the documents/signatories). Please note that due to high number of applications the Consulate can prepare the legalisation and post it to the applicant within 10 days, as a general rule.
In case you would like to sign on behalf of a company (or other organisation) you should present the certificate of incorporation of the company. Certificate of incorporation shall have been issued within the previous 30 days.
3., Legalisation of translations
The Consulate legalises translations English to Hungarian and Hungarian to English if the translation (prepared by a translator or by the applicant) should be used in Hungary and forms part of a consular procedure. The Consulate does not prepare translations (except for Certificate of good character).
Should you need an official translation to be used in the UK please contact an official translator in the UK. List of translators can be found on our website („Hungarian Translators and interpreters”).
If you need an official translation that should be used in Hungary but does not form part of a consular procedure you should contact the Hungarian Gazette Publishing Legal Translation Centre Ltd. (MKIFK) (previously known as Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd (OFFI)) (
You should submit the original document together with the translation.
In accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 5 of Regulation 1/2002 (23. January 2002) of KÜM-IM the consular officer may refuse to legalise translations which require specialized language skills.
You can submit your application for legalisation either in person (by appointment) or by post. Please note that due to high number of applications the Consulate can prepare the legalisation and post it to the applicant within 10 days, as a general rule.
Should you wish to submit your application by post, the consular fee should be sent by Postal Order payable to the ‘Embassy of Hungary’. Please ask for the correct amount in GBP by emailing Please make sure to include a self-addressed, pre-paid return envelope, as well as a cover note with your phone number or e-mail address. (We recommend that documents are sent to us by recorded or special delivery. We also recommend that documents are returned to you by the same means – please include a pre-paid recorded/special delivery self-addressed envelope.)
Please note that during the legalisation procedure the original document should be attached to the translation. In case you do not want the original (certificate, diploma, etc.) to be attached to the translation you are also required to send a copy of the document. Should you wish to have the copy legalised, as well, please mention it in your cover letter and include the corresponding sum in the Postal Order.
For information about the fees please visit the following link: “Consular fees”.
(Fees vary on the number of pages of the document.)
Applicants should present a valid proof of ID (ID card, passport or driving license) when attending the appointment. If the application is sent by post a copy of proof of ID should be enclosed.
4., Legalisation of copies
Legalisation of a copy: the Consulate legalises the copy the applicant made of an original document, upon presentation of the original.
Certified copy: upon presentation of the original document, the Consulate makes a certified/legalised copy of it.
You can submit your application for legalisation either in person (by appointment) or by post. Please note that due to high number of applications the Consulate can prepare the legalisation and post it to the applicant within 10 days, as a general rule.
Should you wish to submit your application by post, the consular fee should be sent by Postal Order payable to the ‘Embassy of Hungary’. Please ask for the correct amount in GBP by emailing Please make sure to include a self-addressed, pre-paid return envelope, as well as a cover note with your phone number or e-mail address. (We recommend that documents are sent to us by recorded or special delivery. We also recommend that documents are returned to you by the same means – please include a pre-paid recorded/special delivery self-addressed envelope.)
For information about the fees please visit the following link:“Consular fees”.
(Fees vary on the number of pages of the document.)
Applicants should present a valid proof of ID (ID card, passport or driving license) when attending the appointment. If the application is sent by post a copy of proof of ID should be enclosed.
II., Legalisation at the Honorary Consul
Please note that only the honorary consul in Sheringham is entitled to legalise signature or copies of documents.
1., Appointment
For appointment please contact the Honorary Consul. Contact details can be found on our website („Consular offices in the UK”).
2., Legalisation of signatures
Legalisation of a signature means that the honorary consul checks the identity of the signatory person but does not take responsibility for the content of the document. The document should be prepared by the applicant in advance. The honorary consul is not entitled to draw up the document.
The applicant should appear in person at the Honorary Consulate and should present his/her valid passport, ID card or driving licence. Please note that your application will be rejected if you fail to present one of these documents.
In case you would like to sign on behalf of a company (or other organisation) you should contact the Consulate in London!
3., Legalisation of translations
The Honorary Consuls are not authorised to legalise translations.
4., Legalisation of copies
Legalisation of a copy: the Honorary Consul legalises the copy the applicant made of an original document, upon presentation of the original.
Certified copy: upon presentation of the original document, the Honorary Consulate makes a certified/legalised copy of it.
You can submit your application for legalisation in person and and should present your valid passport, ID card or driving licence.
III., Legalisation by Notaries Public
Signatures and copies can be legalised by Notaries Public, as well. Please note that signatures and copies legalised by Notaries Public can only be accepted in Hungary if the document is further legalised with Apostille. For further information about Apostille in the UK please visit the following website:
Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade visited London on 18-19 October 2016 for official meetings
Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade visited London on 18-19 October 2016 and met Boris Johnson, Foreign Secretary, David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer and David Lidington, Leader of the House of Commons.
The parties exchanged views about the prospects of Brexit, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó laying emphasis on the utmost importance for Hungary of a deal between London and the EU guaranteeing that trade, investment and economic links between the United Kingdom and the EU will be without obstacles as much as possible. As part of the series of events organized by the Embassy of Hungary and the Hungarian Cultural Center in London to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution, Minister Szijjártó participated at a reception in the spectacular Guildhall joining his colleague, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in praising the heroes of the Hungarian freedom fight. He also opened the exhibition of ‘The 1956 Hungarian Revolution in Pictures by John Sadovy’. Parties signed the memorandum of understanding to launch the UK-Hungary Business Council during the visit of Minister Szijjártó.
Launch of the UK-Hungary Business Council with ten UK companies
Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Róbert Ésik, President of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency, Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and representatives of ten UK companies with an investment in and close ties to Hungary signed a memorandum of understanding on 19 October 2016 to launch the UK-Hungary Business Council.
The purpose of the UK-Hungary Business Council is to create a new framework for development of stronger business relations between the United Kingdom and Hungary. After the referendum it is of utmost importance to care for the implementation of reciprocal business and economic objectives as well as to sustain and further develop the excellent investment and trade relations. The members of the UK-Hungary Business Council are investors already present in Hungary (Tesco, BP, British American Tobacco, British Telecom, GSK, KPMG LLP, City of London Corporation, CP Holdings, International Personal Finance Plc, Maltacourt) as well as businessmen with close ties to Hungary.
The Embassy of Hungary in London and the Hungarian Cultural Center organized a series of events to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian revolution and freedom fight.
The first event was the opening of the exhibition of John Sadovy’s photos called ‘Hungarian Revolution in Pictures’ on 18 October 2016, with the participation of Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The next day, on 19 October 2016 the Embassy of Hungary organized a grand reception in the spectacular Guildhall where Minister Szijjártó joined
his colleague, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in praising the heroes of the Hungarian freedom fight. Minister Szijjártó in his opening speech emphasized, that Hungary has always fought for her freedom and sovereignty regardless of the size of the extreme overpower. If you have a look at the history of the Hungarian nation you can easily admit that we are a nation of freedom fighters. Hungary will always be thankful to the United Kingdom and London because they became the second home of many Hungarians and Hungary is proud of those Hungarians who came the United Kingdom, because they have contributed to the success of this wonderful country.
Useful Consular information
UPDATE - The consular office has been recently relocated. For our new address please click here.
Working hours
- Please note that consular services are by appointment only.
- Please find more information on appointment booking, opening hours and public holidays at “Working hours, appointment”.
- Most cases are handled on the basis of personal appearance, however, some applications can be sent by post.
- If you send your application by post please also send a cover letter with your contact details (phone number, e-mail address).
- Appointments can be booked directly through our Appointment Booking System. For further information please visit the following link at “Working hours, appointment”.
- One person may book one appointment only for a consular service. If you book more appointments for the same consular service all of the appointments should be cancelled by the Consulate without prior notice.
- Please make sure that you arrive in time for your appointment. In case you can not come for your appointment you should cancel it in advance.
Preparations to be done
- Requirements for each applications can be found on the relevant pages of the website.
- Please read our website carefully.
- If you have questions please send an e-mail to the Consulate (
- Please download and fill in all the required documents before coming to the Consulate . If you fail to prepare your application properly you might be advised to book a new appointment and come back later.
- Please note that our Consulate is a cashless office. This means that all consular fees need to be paid by card or postal order. Our fees are payable in EUR (except the postal orders), therefore we kindly advise you to make sure that your bank card is able to handle international payments. List of consular fees can be downloaded from the website (“Consular fees”).
At the Consulate
- Due to high number of applications we can not tolerate delays, therefore we ask you to arrive on time to your appointment. In case of delay you might be asked to book a new appointment and come back later.
- Please make sure that you have an appointment for the right consular case. To avoid any inconveniences please double-check the relevant information on the website: “Working hours, appointment”.
- Payment of the fee is the basic requirement of consular procedures. If you can not pay for the consular service at the time of application the procedure can not be started and you shall be asked to book a new appointment.
- There is no fast-track procedure at the Consulate. The expected lenght of the proceedings can be found on the website but this is for information only.
- If you are not satisfied with the work of the consular administrators you can ask the assistance of the consul.
- Please note that in most of the cases the Consulate only receives the applications and forward them to the competent Hungarian authority, therefore the Consulate can not accelerate the procedures. If you wish to get an update about your case please contact directly the competent Hungarian authority.
- You will be informed about the outcome of the procedure via email, phone or by post.
- Collection of passports or other documents is possible on weekdays by appointment.
Contact details, feedback
- If you need to contact the Consulate please send e-mail to
- Our intention is to provide high quality services for our clients, therefore we kindly ask you to share your opinion with us on our services.
Consular fees
Please note that our Consulate is a cashless office. This means that all consular fees need to be paid by card or postal order.
Our fees are payable in EUR, therefore we kindly advise you to make sure that your bank card is able to handle international payments.
Method of payment
1., By debit card in case you apply at the Consulate in person
Payment of the fee is a basic requirement of consular procedures. If you can not pay for the consular service at the time of application the procedure can not be started and you shall be asked to book a new appointment.
2., By Postal Order in case you send your application by post
If you send your application by post you should enclose a Postal Order on the name of the Embassy (“Embassy of Hungary”) in GBP (!). For the amount to be paid, please send us an email to
Please note that we can not accept cheques.
List of the fees:
Reporting a lost travel document
In case your Hungarian passport / ID card was destroyed, stolen or lost, it must be reported to a Hungarian authority authorised to take applications for new documents. Reporting is of utmost importance as the travel documents (or the data contained therein) might be misused which could potentially result in serious inconveniences for the rightful owner.
Based on the report the authority in charge will register the document as lost, stolen or destroyed and as a result, the Schengen Information System will receive an automatic alert about it too.
You may file a report regarding a lost, stolen or destroyed travel document
1. In Hungary – in person
2. At the Hungarian foreign missions abroad – in person
Should you wish to submit your application at a mission other than London, you may choose another location available on the British Isles (clicking on the city names will redirect you to their relevant websites):
Should you wish to file the report in the consular office in London, please stay on this website and read the below information carefully.
Reports can be filed in person either by the owner of the document in question or by their legal representative (i.e. parent, guardian or caretaker).
If your travel document was stolen, you must report it first to the local (British) police (please note that the loss of travel documents cannot be reported to them), who will either
- record your official statement, or
- provide you with a crime reference number.
Some British police stations do not take such reports.
Once you have done this, you may go ahead and report the incident to the Hungarian authorities at the consular office of the embassy of Hungary in London.
Please note: the embassy and the consular office are not at the same locations. Administrative work, including taking such reports, is carried out at the consular office at
First Floor, 100 Brompton Road London, SW3 1ER.
Alternatively, reports may be filed at one of the honorary consuls of the embassy at either Belfast, Cardiff, Sheringham or Torquay too, provided that the identity of the owner of the document in question has been confirmed by the honorary consul after they have inspected the documents you have at your disposal (please see the section „Necessary documents”). Honorary consuls do not have the authorisation to verify the identity of the applicants in the relevant Hungarian electronic databases in the absence of any proofs of identity.
For information on how to contact the consular offices listed above, please click here.
A report should be filled out in advance, which can be accessed via the link below:
Report for lost/stolen passport
Instruction for completing the report is available by clicking here
The document holder who appears in person (or their legal representative – parent, guardian, caretaker) confirms that the report has been made by signing the form.
In addition to the passport or ID, lost, stolen or damaged driving licences and address cards can also be reported.
If available, the document holder who makes the report or legal representative (parent, guardian, caretaker) acting on their behalf can prove their identity by one of the followings documents:
- with a Hungarian passport that is valid or has expired within a year
- with a Hungarian ID that is valid or expired within a year
- with a valid Hungarian driving licence; in the absence of these
- with a valid foreign passport
- ID issued by an EEA member state
- UK / EEA member state’s permanent – not provisional – driving licence
In the absence of the above, the identification of the document holder will be carried out based on official records available for the Consular Office. In such case, the report cannot be made at the honorary consuls.
The following also has to be attached from the British police:
- police record; or
- reference number
If a report was not taken by the local police, the document holder must declare this during the report filing at the Consular Office.
Submitting the report is free of charge.
The procedure and the costs to apply for a new travel document at the same time is explained in detail at the document’s application section.
The Consular Office is immediately informing the competent Hungarian authority to change the status of the passport to invalid which is transmitted to the Schengen Information System as well.
To submit your application in person, make an appointment online according to the followings:
- You have to book an appointment for „Passport/Identity Card”. Administration time for this case type includes reporting the lost or stolen passport and applying for a new one.
The duration of the appointment is 20 minutes. Late arrival may result in the loss of appointment.
You may book your appointment here.
Appointments with the Honorary Consul can be booked by contacting them directly via email.
You may report your lost or stolen with the Honorary Consul, however, they are not able to take passport applications. The only exception is minors under 12 years of age, given they already have a Hungarian birth certificate.
The duration of the appointment is 10-15 minutes.
Contact details to all the Honorary Consuls can be found here.
Reports of lost or stolen documents authenticated by the Honorary Consul, has to be sent to the consular office in London by the applicant. Please include the followings alongside the report:
- a copy of the applicant’s identity document (see. “Required documents”)
- if applicable, a document that proves legal representation (e.g. birth certificate, court order)
- British police report or reference number;
- the report of lost or stolen passport and/or ID card signed by the applicant and authenticated by the Honorary Consul.
Postal Address:
Consulate of Hungary
1st Floor, 100 Brompton Road, London, SW3 1ER
Should you apply for new document at the same time with the report filing, please check the relevant information at the designated section.
Declaration of settlement abroad
If you are establishing a permanent residence in the UK, it is recommended that you register this in Hungary. This means that your residence in Hungary will cease to exist and you will be included in the Hungarian registers as a ‘Hungarian citizen living abroad’.
a) Register online or in Hungary
The easiest and fastest way to do the registration is using the eGovernment service, the so-called Client Gate (ügyfélkapu), or in person in Hungary at a government window (Kormanyablak) or district office (Kormányhivatal). In the latter case, you will immediately receive your new address card that will display the following: ‘Residence: Foreign Address’ (without any further specification).
b) In person at the Consular Office
The procedure of the application is expected to take up to 3 months, as the application is sent to Hungary to the government window or district office of your Hungarian address and your newly issued address card will be mailed afterwards to the Consulate.
The application may only be submitted in person. Appointments shall be scheduled using our online booking system. For appointment, please select “Declaration of settlement abroad”. Please note that children between the ages of 14-18 must appear in person and sign the forms as well. For the application of minors, both parents must be present as a general rule.
Documents to be submitted:
- Original address card containing the Hungarian address
- Valid Hungarian ID card or passport
- If the applicant is not unmarried: Hungarian marriage certificate
- In case of minor applicants: Hungarian birth certificate
- Declaration of settlement abroad/Declaration of settlement abroad (for minors) (at the bottom of the page) duly filled out
As a Hungarian citizen living abroad you can also report your address change abroad. In this case, there is no need to change your current address card, as it will still have the inscription: ’Residence: foreign address’.
a) Register online
The easiest and fastest way is to register the change online via the Web Assistant available here (it is not necessary to have a Client Gate registration!).
b) In person at the Consular Office
The application may only be submitted in person. Appointments shall be scheduled using our online booking system. For appointment, please select “Address changes”. Please note that children between the ages of 14-18 must appear in person and sign the forms as well. For the application of minors, both parents must be present as a general rule.
Documents to be submitted:
- Original Hungarian address card
- Valid Hungarian ID card or passport
- In case of minor applicants: Hungarian birth certificate
- Application form to register/amend the data of Hungarian citizens living abroad (at the bottom of the page) duly filled out
The service is free of charge.
If the Hungarian citizen is not included in the personal data and address register (e.g. because they have never had a permanent residence in Hungary or they have a passive status due to any reason), they can apply to register as citizen living abroad. Once registered, an address card marked with the inscription ‘Residence: foreign address’ will be issued. Please note that in certain procedures, it is mandatory for this to be done (e.g. when applying for a passport and the consular officer finds that the person is not currently in the register).
The application may only be submitted in person. Appointments shall be scheduled using our online booking system. For appointment, please select “Address changes”. Please note that children between the ages of 14-18 must appear in person and sign the forms as well. For the application of minors, both parents must be present as a general rule.
Documents to be submitted:
- Valid Hungarian ID card or passport
- If the applicant is not unmarried: Hungarian marriage certificate
- In case of minor applicants: Hungarian birth certificate
- Application form to register/amend the data of Hungarian citizens living abroad (at the bottom of the page) duly filled out
The service is free of charge. The procedure takes approximately 2-3 months.
Application forms:
Application form to register/amend the data of Hungarian citizens living abroad
Declaration of settlement abroad
Declaration of settlement abroad (for minors)
Certificate of good character
Applying for an Official Certificate of Good Character from the Hungarian authorities
1., Unlike the DBS check in the UK, a Hungarian Official Certificate of Good Character is issued upon the request of the individual concerned.
2., Please complete the form in Hungarian and in block letters, in accordance with the rules of the Hungarian language. If you apply in person, you should present your valid ID card or passport when lodging of the application. If you submit your application by post you should enclose the copy of your valid passport/ID card.
3., You can apply in person or by post.
a) If you apply in person you should book an appointment. For further information please visit:
b) If you apply by post you should visit first an Honorary Consul who checks your identity and authenticates your signature. You can find the list of Honorary Consuls on the website.
4., If you submit your application by post, the consular fee should be sent by Postal Order payable to the ‘Embassy of Hungary’. Please ask for the correct amount in GBP by emailing Please also provide a short cover letter with your daytime telephone number and/or e-mail address, should we need to contact you. Please also indicate whether or not you wish to receive a legalised translation of the Certificate.
5., Should you request a legalised translation of the Hungarian document to English you should pay an additional fee. For information about the fees please visit the following link: “Consular fees”.
The procedure takes about 2 weeks as a general rule. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped reply envelope (Recorded Mail).
Application form:
Change of name
Applications to change a surname or last name on Hungarian documents are by appointment only.
For further information please contact the consulate at
Application forms:
Application form to change name
Application form to change name - minors
Application form to change the married name
Application for a new address card1
Application for a new address card2
Order a copy of a Hungarian birth/marriage/death certificate
You can order a certified copy of a Hungarian birth, marriage and death certificate in person through an official representation (consular office) in the UK. Honorary consuls are NOT authorised to take such applications.
Please note that a copy of a birth, marriage or death certificate can only be obtained when the birth, marriage or death in question happened in the (current) territory of Hungary or, if it happened abroad, it has been already registered in the Hungarian records. Otherwise the birth, marriage or death has to be registered first (see at 'Registration of birth, marriage, death')
Submission of applications may only be done after booking your appointment at
When booking your appointment, please select “Issuing a birth/marriage/death certificate” as 'type of application'. Always put 1 for the number of applicants, irrespective of the number of certificates you wish to obtain - please note though that a separate application form needs to be filled out for each certificate.
The consular office does not provide emergency/fast track appointments. We use the same booking system as our clients do, therefore we are unable to give you earlier appointments either.
As a general rule, certificates are issued within 2-3 weeks of submitting the application and are free of charge. Should you wish to receive the document via post, please make sure to bring a stamped and addressed envelope as well to your appointment (it is recommended to use a “special delivery” service).
You may download the necessary form at the bottom of this page. Please note that all forms must be filled out and signed with a blue ink pen, and in all cases the Hungarian version must be used – the English version and is a courtesy translation and is a guideline only.
Should you wish to obtain the birth/marriage/death certificate of your parents (ancestors), you need to provide a proof of relationship to those persons (ie. your own birth certificate). The valid passport or ID card of the applicant must be presented at all times.
Application form:
Form to obtain birth / marriage / civil partnership / death certificate issued by the Hungarian authorities
English translation of the application form (guideline only)
Client Gate (Ügyfélkapu) registration
What is the “Client Gate” and why do I need it?
Client Gate (or “Ügyfélkapu” in Hungarian) is an access point to e-government services in Hungary. The system provides a platform for its users to connect with Hungarian authorities offering electronic administration services. It lets you take care of paperwork online or book appointments at government service offices (“kormányablakok”) in Hungary.
Please note that as of 16 January 2025 the Client Gate service will no longer be available and will be replaced by the Client Gate+ service. For information on the migration please visit .
Who can register for the „Client Gate”?
Any natural person who is registered in:
- the Hungarian personal data and address registry, or
- the central immigration registry of the Hungarian Immigration Authority, or
- the personal registry of aliens (foreign citizens) applying for electronic administration.
Where can you register for the „Client Gate”?
In person at:
- local government service offices;
- key helpdesk offices of the National Tax and Customs Administration;
- foreign diplomatic and consular representations of Hungary;
- helpdesks of particular post offices
- as a holder of a valid Hungarian ID card issued after 1 January 2016, on this site.
Registering for the “Client Gate” in person:
Scheduling an appointment via our online booking system is required (please select “Registration for online government services (Online Personal Portal).
The registration is free of charge and takes around 10 minutes.
What documents do I need to take with me?
Hungarian Citizens: valid Hungarian ID (ID card, driving license, passport)
EEA Citizens: valid EEA ID or passport
non-EEA Citizens: valid passport
Note: Upon new registration, clients receive their initial password via e-mail. Accounts must be activated by changing the initial password within 5 days after the date of registration.