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Meeting with Jacob Rees-Mogg MP
Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and Deputy Head of Mission Beáta Margitay-Becht met Jacob Rees-Mogg Conservative Member of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster on 12th December 2017 and had an excellent exchange of views on British current affairs.
Dinner in honour of Bertalan de Némethy
On 11th December Ambassador Szalay-Bobrovniczky hosted a black tie dinner in honour of Bertalan de Némethy at the Embassy of Hungary.
At this dinner we welcomed Brigadier Archie Miller-Bakewell, Private Secretary to The Duke of Edinburgh, Colonel Toby Browne, Crown Equerry, Lieutenant General Sir Barney White-Spunner KCB CBE and also prominent representatives of the Hungarian horse sport were among the distinguished guests. The occasion also provided the opportunity to introduce Tibor and Vince Jármy, the talented young Hungarian showjumpers to potential sponsors.
Bertalan de Némethy (1911-2002), the former show jumping coach of the United States Equestrian Team was a legendary figure and icon in the horse world. He was born in Győr, Hungary and began his career as an officer in the Hungarian Cavalry and a member of the Hungarian Olympic Jumping Team. After emigrating to the United States, he became the coach of the US Equestrian Team, a post he held between 1955-1980. De Némethy formulated his own training techniques for both horse and rider based on his Hungarian Cavalry School background and the principles of classical equitation. From this evolved the celebrated “de Némethy style,” the precision and elegance of which are emulated throughout the world today.
Meeting the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police
Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky met Cressida Dick, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police on 12 January 2017 and had an excellent discussion on security issues, while recognizing the outstanding existing and continuously strengthening law enforcement cooperation between Hungary and the United Kingdom.
Hungarian stand at the BETT Show
The Hungarian government supported the creation of a 310 square meter stand at the BETT (British Educational Training and Technology) Show, the world’s largest educational technology exhibition.Judit Czunyiné Bertalan, Government Commissioner for Digital Content Development and Tamás Deutsch, the Prime Ministerial Commissioner for the Digital Prosperity Programme opened the Hungarian stand, which provided the opportunity between 24-27 January 2018 for 25 Hungarian companies to showcase their innovative educational technology products. During his visit in London, Tamás Deutsch also met Margot James, Minister of State for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
Visiting the Cambridge University
Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky visited Cambridge University on 29th of January where he met Prof. Stephen Toope vice-chancellor.
The Ambassador continued his visit by meeting Hungarian students studying at the University and interviewed them about their studies and general experiences of studying abroad.
Kristóf Altusz Deputy State Secretary in London
Bevezetés: Kristóf Altusz, Deputy State Secretary for European and American Affairs payed an official visit to London on 13 February 2018.
During his meetings at 10 Downing Street, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Parliament he expressed the Hungarian Government’s support for a fair Brexit and held consultations on bilateral relations and foreign policy issues.
Military delegation at the Royal Gun Salute
A delegation led by Dr Vilmos Kovács, the Commander of the Institute and Museum of Military History and Dr Ferenc Papp, the head of public relations coordination department of the Ministry of Defense arrived to London for an official visit on 6-8 February 2018.
The delegation visited the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery in the Wellington Barracks, where they received with the Commanding Officer the salute of the troops. The delegation later participated at the Royal Gun Salute in Green Park.
Sean Crane, Brigadier (RET), chief executive of the Honourable Artillery Company hosted the delegation at the Artillery House and showed the equipment used for the Royal Gun Salute.
Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky also hosted a dinner for the delegation and the commanding officers of the troops visited.
Az Egyesült Királyságban, illetve a brit tengerentúli területeken bajba jutott magyar állampolgárok a nap 24 órájában elérhetik a Konzuli Szolgálatot, az alábbi elérhetőségeken.
Londoni Nagykövetség
Munkaidőben: +44 (0) 207 235 5218
Email: konz.lon{at}
Munkaidőn túli halaszthatatlan vészhelyzetben hívják a budapesti Konzuli Tájékoztatási és Ügyeleti Központot !
Londoni Nagykövetség Edinburgh-i Alkonzulátusa
Munkaidőben: +44 (0) 131 556 3838
Email: konz.edi{at}
Munkaidőn túli halaszthatatlan vészhelyzetben hívják a budapesti Konzuli Tájékoztatási és Ügyeleti Központot !
Manchesteri Főkonzulátus:
Munkaidőben: +44 (0) 161 503 5678
Munkaidőn túli halaszthatatlan vészhelyzetben hívják a budapesti Konzuli Tájékoztatási és Ügyeleti Központot !
A konzuli védelem formái:
- A bajba jutott (alapvetően) önerőből történő hazatérésének elősegítése
- Segítségnyújtás súlyos sérüléssel járó baleset vagy erőszakos bűncselekmény áldozatának
- Segítségnyújtás súlyos és sürgős ellátást igénylő (együttes feltétel) betegnek
- Segítségnyújtás katasztrófa, háború vagy fegyveres összeütközés (együttesen: válsághelyzet) közvetlen érintettjének
- Segítségnyújtás külföldön fogvatartottnak
- A külföldön elhunyt eltemetésére kötelezett hozzátartozó temetéssel kapcsolatos ügyintézésének segítése
- Tájékoztató jellegű utazási tanácsok közzététele (a fentiekben írt helyzetek elkerülése érdekében)
A Konzuli Szolgálat a rendelkezésére álló minden eszközzel igyekszik segítséget nyújtani ahhoz, hogy a konzuli védelemben részesülő bajba jutott
- az ügyeinek gyors intézését lehetővé tevő információk birtokába juthasson
- hátrányos megkülönböztetésben ne részesüljön
- élete, egészsége vagy testi épsége ne kerülhessen veszélybe
Miben tud segíteni a Konzuli Szolgálat a konzuli védelemre jogosult bajba jutottnak?
- Hazatéréséhez ideiglenes útlevelet állíthat ki az elveszett, ellopott, megrongálódott vagy lejárt úti okmány helyett
- Tanácsadással közreműködik hazatérése önerőből vagy rokon, ismerős anyagi segítségével történő megszervezésében
- Utólagos visszafizetés és díjfizetés ellenében hazatérési kölcsönt nyújthat, ha magáról saját vagy más forrásból gondoskodni nem tud, önhibája kizárható és a kölcsön nyújtása további súlyos érdeksérelemtől óvja meg
- Egészségügyi vészhelyzetben (súlyos és tömeges megbetegedés) tájékoztatja a helyi orvosok, kórházak elérhetőségéről, közreműködik az esetleg szükséges és orvosilag igényelt, illetve lehetséges hazaszállítás megszervezésében
- Válsághelyzetben tájékoztatást ad és szükség esetén segítséget nyújt a hazatéréshez, illetve az evakuálás megszervezéséhez
- Őrizetbe vétele, letartóztatása esetén – ha erről tudomást szerez – tisztázza ennek okát és jogi megítélését, figyelemmel kíséri fogva tartásának körülményeit
- Kérésére értesíti hozzátartozóját, szükség esetén a segíteni képes ismerőst
- Tájékoztatást ad az adott országban elérhető helyi tolmácsokról és ügyvédekről
- Külföldi haláleset esetén a Konzuli Szolgálat értesíti a külföldön elhunyt eltemetésére kötelezett hozzátartozót és tájékoztatja az eltemetéshez vagy a holttest hazaszállításához szükséges intézkedésekről
Miben nem tud segíteni, közreműködni a magyar és az európai Konzuli Szolgálat?
- A külföldre utazás megszervezésében, abban való közreműködésben
- Menetjegy foglalásában, átíratásában
- Szállás, lakhatás biztosításában; csomagmegőrzésben
- Gépjárműjavításban vagy javíttatásban, üzemanyag biztosításában
- Személy- vagy csomagszállításban
- Banki, biztosítási és postai szolgáltatásokban
- Külföldi munkaközvetítés, munkaügyi viták rendezésében
- Jogi képviselet ellátásában bíróság vagy más hatóság előtt
- Konzuli hatósági eljárások kivételével tolmácsolásban vagy fordításban
- Külföldi letelepedési, munkavállalási vagy egyéb engedélyek beszerzésében
- Magánjogi (peres vagy nem peres) viták rendezésében
- Külföldön felmerülő költségek, hatósági bírságok, díjak (pénzbüntetés, óvadék, ügyvédi díj, egészségügyi ellátás díja stb.) kifizetésében, megelőlegezésében
- A hagyaték, örökség, kifizetetlen munkabér, stb. behajtásában
- Külföldi bűnesetben folyó nyomozásban bármilyen formában való közreműködésben
- Folyamatban lévő szabálysértési vagy büntetőeljárás menetének, eredményének befolyásolásában (Ennek keretében arra sincs módja és eszköze a Konzuli Szolgálatnak, hogy elérje a jogi út mellőzésével történő szabadlábra helyezést, vagy a különleges bánásmódban részesítést.)
Government spokesman Zoltán Kovács in London
Mr Zoltán Kovács, the spokesperson of the Hungarian government was in London for an official visit on 5 March 2018.
The Spokesperson gave background briefing to British journalists, international and Hungarian correspondents about current political and economic developments in Hungary, including the upcoming national election, the migration policy, the Hungarian priorities in the Brexit negotiation and Hungary’s V4 Presidency. He also met his counterparts at the Prime Minister’s Office, James Slack and Paul Harrison.
Official Hungarian Citizenship Ceremony
35 Hungarian citizens took the citizenship oath at the Embassy of Hungary in London.
Our compatriots were greeted by Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, who emphasized the importance of community and belonging with the words of the famous Hungarian poet, Attila József: "And so I've found my native country, that soil the gravedigger will frame, where they who write the words above me do not for once misspell my name." More than one-million Hungarian citizens benefited from the simplified naturalization procedure and citizenship ceremonies take place regularly at the Embassy of Hungary in London as well.
Visegrad Group meeting with Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy
As part of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group, Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky hosted a meeting with the Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy and the Visegrad Group Ambassadors on 18 March 2018.
The discussion focused on the UK industrial strategy, Brexit’s effects on the economy as well as businesses, and the most recent developments in relation to energy policy.
Wreath laying ceremony in Liverpool on the national day
Dr. András Zsigmond, honorary consul of Hungary and the representatives of the local Hungarian community organised a wreath laying ceremony in Liverpool on 15th March 2018.
On the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the 1848-49 revolution, the community gathered by the memorial plaques of Lajos Kossuth and Ferenc Liszt. The Embassy of Hungary in London was represented by Colones József Gulyás, defence attaché.
Katalin Szili in London
Bevezető: Katalin Szili, the Prime Minister’s Commissioner for autonomy visited London between 22-24 March 2018.
Katalin Szili, the Prime Minister’s Commissioner met with Hungarian teachers active in the United Kingdom and visited the Imre Montágh Hungarian School in Southend, where she was welcomed by the teachers and parents of the children attending the Hungarian clasees and was treated to the Easter showcase of the students. Katalin Szili thanks all the participants for ensuring that future generations hold on to their identity as well. Katalin Szili was also guest of honour with Bartosz Cichocki, undersecretary of State of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a dinner to mark the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day hosted by Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and Polish Ambassador Arkady Józef Rzegocki.
Meeting with Sir Nicholas Soames MP
Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky met Sir Nicholas Soames Conservative MP in the Westminster Parliament on 28 March 2018.
The discussion was about the state of the Brexit negotiations, the politics of the United Kingdom, current topics of foreign affairs such as Russia and migration and the legacy of this grandfather, Sir Winston Churchill.
Project 28 conference at the Embassy of Hungary by Századvég Foundation and The Spectator
The Hungarian Embassy hosted the conference of Századvég Foundation and The Spectator organised to discuss the 2018 results of the ’Where is Europe heading?” Project 28 opinion poll of perspectives on the EU, migration, terrorism and globalization.
The master of ceremony was Andrew Neil, renowned British media personality, who praised the research as an important annual indicator of global and European tendencies. Zsolt Barthel-Rúzsa, the Chairman of the Századvég Foundation introducing the 2018 Project 28 called attention to the fact that a certain gloom has taken over in Western European countries concerning future prospects, while Central European countries still retain their sense of optimism. The research has shown that this pessimism is also correlated to negative attitudes concerning the consequences of high level of immigration. The keynote speech was given by József Szájer, Vice Chairman of the EPP in the European Parliament, who pointed out that according to the findings, the population of the EU lost their confidence in their ability to influence their leaders. To build confidence again between the citizens and the elite, ideas connected to national identity and national sovereignty must take central role again in decision making processes.
In the panel discussion Douglas Murray, the assistant editor of The Spectator and author of The Strange Death of Europe, warned that EU leaders seemingly refuse to pay attention to the wishes of the voters, who do not agree with the notion that Europe is for everyone in the world who wants to live there. The question the European voters keep on asking is, if Europe is for everyone, as the elite is trying to argue with inconsistent arguments (refugee crisis, labor shortage, etc), then where is the home for Europeans?
David Goodhart, the researcher of the Policy Exchange think tank and author of The Road to Somewhere explained the results of the opinion poll with unfavourable consequences of globalisation on social-economic tendencies and the chasm between the elite profiting from globalisation and those groups who are suffering from its outcomes. He expressed his opinion that a successful Brexit, meaning a United Kingdom outside of the EU, which cooperates both with the Union and other countries, might be regarded as a good model for the future.
Henry Newman, the director of Open Europe think tank warned that the elite in the EU27 didn’t engage in any introspection after the Brexit vote. The population still hasn’t regained its confidence in their leaders after the economic crisis, which is now under strain again due to a lack of internal security caused by terrorism and therefore decisive actions are expected from political leaders in these areas.
The 2018 results of the opinion poll are available at:
V4 meeting with Fiona Hyslop Scottish Cabinet Secretary
As part of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group, Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky hosted a meeting with Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs and the Visegrad Group Ambassadors on 13 April 2018.
The discussion focused on the policy priorities for the Scottish government as well as the situation of EU citizens in Scotland, Brexit and the British domestic and foreign political situation . Secretary Hyslop informed the ambassadors of the new „Scotland is now” campaign (
V4 meeting with Nick Clegg former deputy PM
As part of the Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group, Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky hosted a meeting with Nick Clegg former deputy prime minister and former leader of the liberal democrats and the Visegrad Group Ambassadors on 16 April 2018.
The discussion focused on the state of play of European and British politics, including Brexit and the challenges facing the UK and the EU.
Peacekeeping for 70 years
Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and defense attaché Colonel József Gulyás took part at the commemoration marked the UN Peacekeepers day at Cenotaph monument, London.
Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and defense attaché Col József Gulyás took part at the commemoration marking the United Nation’s Peacekeepers day at the Cenotaph on Whitehall to honour the contribution of the UK Armed Forces to peacekeeping with the UN.
The International Day of UN Peacekeepers was first observed in 2003 to recognise and appreciate the efforts and sacrifice of UN peacekeepers. During the wreath-laying ceremony tributes were paid to more than 3,700 personnel from 120 countries who have died while serving as UN peacekeepers in the past seven decades.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary in London
In the British capital he met the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union and the Minister for the Cabinet Office, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster on 24 May 2018.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Mr. Péter Szijjártó arrived to London to meet high level government officials to discuss British-Hungarian relations. Rt Hon David Davis MP, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union informed the Minister about the status of the Brexit negotiations and reassured him that the UK aims to guarantee the rights of the Hungarian nationals living in the UK. The Minister exchanged views with Rt Hon David Lidington CBE MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster about the latest political developments in their countries and Europe. Minister Szijjártó continued his visit at the Oxford University, where he participated in the Oxford Union society’s traditional debate.