Bevezető: Katalin Szili, the Prime Minister’s Commissioner for autonomy visited London between 22-24 March 2018.
Katalin Szili, the Prime Minister’s Commissioner met with Hungarian teachers active in the United Kingdom and visited the Imre Montágh Hungarian School in Southend, where she was welcomed by the teachers and parents of the children attending the Hungarian clasees and was treated to the Easter showcase of the students. Katalin Szili thanks all the participants for ensuring that future generations hold on to their identity as well. Katalin Szili was also guest of honour with Bartosz Cichocki, undersecretary of State of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a dinner to mark the Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day hosted by Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and Polish Ambassador Arkady Józef Rzegocki.