
II. National Educational Conference for Hungarian Schools in the UK

The second National Educational Conference for Hungarian Schools in the UK was held on the weekend of 12-13 October 2019 for teachers and educational professionals of Hungarian schools operating in the UK..
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Minister Péter Szijjártó in London

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó arrived in London for an official visit on 3 October 2019.
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Press speculations about Hungarian veto on Brexit extension

In the last days, there have been talks in the British press that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had asked certain EU countries, including Hungary, to veto any extension to the Brexit deadline. Referring to the speculation Minister Szijjártó stated, “We have read the rumours about this but the Hungarian government has not been approached with such a request.”
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Szabolcs Takács Ministerial Commissioner in London

Szabolcs Takács, Ministerial Commissioner for Brexit visited London to hold meetings on Brexit
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Open House London at the Embassy of Hungary

The Embassy of Hungary participated in the Open House London event series for the second year in a row. More than 850 guests visited the Embassy during the two-day programme to see its architectural and interior design, to learn about the daily life of diplomats and Hungary.
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