The Embassy of Hungary welcomed the delegation of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (HCA).
The guests were welcomed by Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovnicky and Agricultural and Environmental attaché Enikő Magyar. During the visit the delegation met representatives of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and the National Farmers Union (NFU).
Ambassador Szalay-Bobrovniczky highlighted that the UK is Hungary’s 10th biggest trading partner in terms of agriculture. The bilateral trade in goods in the recent years has gone up (by 67% in the last seven years), and the agricultural export in 2018 was close to 240 million GBP. The Ambassador stressed that Hungary remains committed to working closely with the UK, and welcomes the interest in economic and professional collaboration from all parties. He confirmed that the Embassy – most of all the agricultural and environmental attaché – is ready to give all support to the representatives of the Hungarian and the British agriculture in order to further develop the cooperation between the two countries.
Philip Hambling, Head of Food and Farming at the NFU and John Powell, Deputy Team Leader of the Environmental Management Team at DEFRA spoke about the challenges of British agriculture, the development and directions of agricultural research, the new support schemes for agriculture and the possibilities for cooperation after Brexit.