Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky presented his credentials to Her Majesty the Queen on 15 November 2016. He was accompanied to the Buckingham Palace by Alistair Harrison, the Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, Beáta Margitay-Becht deputy head of mission, Colonel József Gulyás defence attache, Edina Cserjés head of consulate and Máté Pesti investment and trade attache.

Ambassador Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky presented his credentials to Her Majesty the Queen on 15 November 2016. He was accompanied to the Buckingham Palace by Alistair Harrison, the Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, Beáta Margitay-Becht deputy head of mission, Colonel József Gulyás defence attache, Edina Cserjés head of consulate and Máté Pesti investment and trade attache.